
What users expect from your site’s footer (and how to deliver)

What users expect from your site’s footer (and how to deliver) In one study of user engagement from the top of the page to the bottom, researchers found that the most engagement occurs just below the fold, but that user engagement drops slowly as the user scrolls 1,500 pixels down the page on to 3,000… [Read More]

12 Tips for Starting Your Very First Blog

12 Tips for Starting Your Very First Blog Starting your very first blog will be a different experience than you’ve ever had before. Think of it in terms of learning to ride a bike. Some take very little prompting and make little to no mistakes before they begin sailing down the road. Others fall hundreds… [Read More]

Tips on how to Create a Successful Blogger Media Kit

Tips on how to Create a Successful Blogger Media Kit Yes, being a professional blogger is a full time job. And bloggers, vloggers, youtubers or influencers work with brands to sustain themselves. But how do you approach brands to work with you when you’re the new blogger in town? By using creative and professional media… [Read More]

What type of website do you want to build?

What type of website do you want to build? Deciding on the type of website you’re making right from the outset can save you plenty of time in the long run. Because if you spend time and effort on making a certain type of site, only to be forced to try and turn it into… [Read More]