5 Ways to Keep Visitors on Your Website

5 Ways to Keep Visitors on Your Website

Getting high website traffic is a good thing. Equally important is getting visitors to stay on your website for a while. When people stick around your website for longer, it also increases the chances of you converting your visitors to buyers. Here are 5 things you can do to ensure that people stay longer on your website:


1 – Give visitors ways to connect, subscribe and follow what’s happening

Roughly, 70-80% of people who visit your website will leave and never come back again. But when you get someone to subscribe, you can make them keep coming to your blog over and over. As a website owner, your goal should be to get as many people as possible to keep coming back to your website since this is one of the ways you will be able to convert them into customers.

The more people keep coming back to your site, the more engaged they will be with your content and the more willing they will be to do business with you.

There are several ways you can get subscribers. These include:

  • Email subscriptions for newsletters and news posts at your website
  • Social media follows by sharing your website news posts to your social media accounts
  • RSS feeds

Make it easy for people to sign up as subscribers on your website and followers at your social media accounts.

2 – Make a good first impression

It takes only a few seconds for a visitor to your site to determine whether they like or are interested at your website or not. Making a good first impression is not that hard, but you have to carefully plan and strategize your website. Some of the things to keep in mind include:

  • Using the right colours, corresponding to your image or brand.
  • A good design – A good layout with clear structure and navigation, without distracting animations and effects.
  • Good typography that is legible and pleasant.
  • The idea is to portray that your website is professional, credible and trustworthy.

3 – Make your site look as inviting as possible

Show your readers that you are committed to your website and to delivering the best content to your audience. You can do this by ensuring that you have a professional design.

Also, ensure that your content is easily scannable, for instance, by breaking up your content into short and easy-to-read sentences and paragraphs, use of subheadings and bulleted lists.

In addition, you can make use of visuals in pages, such as using photographs and videos.

You should also publish consistently since if you fail to post regularly, readers might think that the website is dormant.

4 – Link your articles

Internal linking to old articles on your website is a way of bringing back old posts to life. You can link to related old content that you have on your blog. This way, your readers will get more information on subjects that they are interested in. If you think that the reader will benefit from any previous posts that you have written, be sure to link to it in your new posts.

For instance, look at the bottom of this article and you’ll 3 different “related articles” listed there.

5 – Work on your “About Us” page

One of the most viewed pages on most websites is the “About” page. Your audience uses your About page to learn more about the website owner, what the website is about and why they should listen to you.

Through your About page, you can position your brand image and sell your products and services and also include your image or an image that represents your brand.

When people search for your company name, they might end up on your About page. Therefore, this is one of the best ways to get organic SEO traffic.


There are lots of ways to keep people on your website longer. Using multiple strategies can help to decrease your bounce rate and increase your conversions.


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